Sunday #15

I have to at least keep writing something, anything, once a week. I can’t give up.

“You have to give up.”

Perhaps that’s true…to really start over and do something incredible I would have to give everything up, hit bottom, start over. What’s that line? Only after disaster can we be resurrected? It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.

Well maybe I’m not quite ready to be resurrected. But I have to keep trying, at least once a week.

Work has become very exhausting, but maybe I just haven’t quite settled into it yet. I got the sense, last Friday, that I could get used to the job. I also start to feel like Randall from Clerks. “This job would be great if it weren’t for the fucking customers,” he said, and he was right. My mom has a similar job to mine, only she mostly works on stuff without customers. She’s not terribly good at it because she doesn’t type very fast, which is ironic. My mom would be great at working one customer at a time, like I have to do, and I’d probably be a lot better at her job, doing a big bundle of apps at once. We should switch.

I dunno though, this job wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to drive 80 miles a day through rush hour traffic. Word is our governor, Jerry Brown, along with the legislature, are aiming to cut ~900 million from the state’s budget by closing state services one day a week. Hear that folks? You think the line is long now? Wait ’til they furlough again. Personally, I probably wouldn’t mind the change. I wouldn’t mind working an extra hour each day, getting an extra day off each week, driving 3 hours less in the process, but I’m already not making very much. With the furlough, I’ll be making, like, 15% less, I hear. That’s gonna suck. It already sucks…

I dunno, though. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there…

Since I haven’t been keeping up with my daily posts, what have I been neglecting to chime in on? I still have old reviews to write, maybe I can try to tie those reviews in with their home video release. We’ll see. We’re in the thick of a new anime season, and there are at least 2 shows I’m into. I still haven’t worked out how I’m going to write about them…but I should. If only as a learning experience for my self. I mean, why do I like these shows. Why do I like what I like? Why am I who I am?

That’s a post for another day though. Time to wrap this up…I gotta go to work tomorrow.

See you next week, if not sooner.






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