Author: edcool1

  • Ken Burns can eat it

    So as I mentioned yesterday, I shot a little video up in wine country yesterday. I also took a couple pictures. That means its time for the Ken Burns effect. I actually like Ken Burns’ work so, the title of this post can be ignored. Anyway! Here’s some video. httpv://

  • Sunday #4

    Hello folks! It’s been another week. I think, in general, I could be worse. Today we went to Napa for some wine tastings. Here’s a radio show just made today, in progress. I gotta record the announces and stuff, but if you don’t need that and don’t want to hear my voice, it’s up there…

  • It’s not you, it’s me

    Writing this one from my phone ‘cuz the god damn Internet had been down for like 3 days here at the Starbucks. Nobody knows how to restart a router? Gotta wait for AT&T to come fix it? You’re losing customers this way, idiots. Anyway, what shall I talk about. I kinda blew it yesterday. No…

  • My bad

    Got nothing to say today. Sorry.

  • Links!

    No, not those links! If you were born today, you’d only have a birthday every 4 years. SUCKS TO BE YOU. I don’t have much to say or much time to say it this morning, so I’m gonna share a few links I’ve built up. Dunno if they’re any good, just links I didn’t have…

  • Well that was a surreal experience.

    Surreal might not be the right word. I’ve been having kind of frightening thoughts lately. Maybe that’s not the right word either. Last night I attended the premiere of an independent film I spent one day working on. It was visually very interesting, sounded good, good effort all around. Well, except for the writing, and…

  • I’ve become a regular.

    Contemplating waking up 4 hours early to save 2 dollars on the bridge toll. What’s wrong with me? They also had my drink ready before I could even order it. Things are getting weird around here. So anyway, it’s about time I shared some photos. I used to really enjoy photo-blogging more than any other…

  • Sunday #3

    Writing this kind of late tonight. Don’t have much to say this week. I think I was a little bit better in not writing too much about nothing. I will say that I was able to beat my parents and their stoner friends at the Oscar pool. Won $21 for that feat. Most money I’ve…

  • Baseball

    Well, spring training has started and that means, very soon, we’ll be having professional baseball every day. I’m gonna leave the serious baseball blogging to websites like Athletics Nation, or The SF Chronicle. There’s also an interesting website about the A’s new ball park, as well as other new sporting venues around the country, at…

  • Pink eye

    So the other fat white guy at work has had a serious conjunctivitis since I started working there, I feel like I’m getting it. Maybe I’m just not getting enough sleep. Or maybe it’s just the light by the mirror making it look worse than it is. Eye strain might be the cause, though. Too…