Month: March 2012

  • More to come

    I started writing a longer post this morning, and I haven’t finished it yet. I figured seeing the extended cut of Metropolis was more important. When I do ultimately finish today’s real post, I’ll retroactively post it. Or something. So look forward to it!

  • Butterfly in the sky

    Had a dream last night that somehow wrapped itself up. Isn’t it always fun when your dreams do that? It’s almost like they’re planned out. I dreamt I was hired by some kind of graphic design company. They had a fancy new office and everything. So I get hired, and literally the second I sit…

  • The Secret World of Arrietty

    Been sitting on this one for a little while. Time to reflect on the latest stateside Ghibli release. I hope using these images counts as fair use. I’m probably going to get some flack from my more well-read friends because I never read books when I was a child, but this latest film from Japan’s…

  • Ken Burns can eat it

    So as I mentioned yesterday, I shot a little video up in wine country yesterday. I also took a couple pictures. That means its time for the Ken Burns effect. I actually like Ken Burns’ work so, the title of this post can be ignored. Anyway! Here’s some video. httpv://

  • Sunday #4

    Hello folks! It’s been another week. I think, in general, I could be worse. Today we went to Napa for some wine tastings. Here’s a radio show just made today, in progress. I gotta record the announces and stuff, but if you don’t need that and don’t want to hear my voice, it’s up there…

  • It’s not you, it’s me

    Writing this one from my phone ‘cuz the god damn Internet had been down for like 3 days here at the Starbucks. Nobody knows how to restart a router? Gotta wait for AT&T to come fix it? You’re losing customers this way, idiots. Anyway, what shall I talk about. I kinda blew it yesterday. No…

  • My bad

    Got nothing to say today. Sorry.